Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Birth Partner - Penny Simkin

Title: The Birth Partner
Author: Penny Simkin
Country: America
Year: 2001
Rating: A
Pages: 337 pgs.

First sentence: Congratulations!

This is the 4th book I read for the Non-fiction five challenge. It is an alternate for Birthing from Within, which had difficulty obtaining from my library as it is continually checked out. Out of all the books I have read so far to prepare for unmedicated childbirth, this is by far the most useful of them all. It is definitely a book I would recommend for anyone who is pregnant, as it is geared towards everyone, not just those who are planning for natural childbirth. However, I'm just about exhausted of reading pregnancy books, so I'm not sure how many more I'll be fitting in.

Baby update: While I'm on the topic, I have just passed over into the 3rd trimester this weekend! Things are continuing to go very well, and the belly has definitely expanded these past few weeks (although my appetite continues to remain pretty much the same). We've picked a name, Maya Jean B! Baby Maya continues to make her presence known quite regularly, she is definitely an active one! Only 3 months left until my due date!

Blogger problems? Has anyone else had problems uploading photos to the sidebar? Every time I try lately, my photos become stretched out (for example, my currently reading photo, Ahab's Wife). Does anyone know how to fix this?


Bookfool said...

I've been having that stretching problem in the sidebar for weeks, now. With book images, usually un-checking the "shrink to fit" box works. It hasn't worked on photographs, for me, though.

I wondered how you were doing - great to hear the pregnancy is going well.

Nyssaneala said...

bookfool - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one having the problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!