Sunday Salon - January 6
This is my very first post for the Sunday Salon, but I hope it won't be my last. :) I can't guarantee that I will be able to participate every week, but I will definitely do my best!
Maya and I ventured out to the local library this week to return some books. Before she was born, I went to the library every week, sometimes more than once. This, however, was my first trip there since she was born. And, what is even more exciting, it was just the two of us for the first time! No hubby, mother, or mother-in-law, just me and my baby!
Maya loves books. (Thank god!) Our bookshelves at home were one of the first things that caught her eye when she became interested in the world around her. They often calm her down, and I can just imagine all the new colors she is discovering by looking at them. So, on her first trip to the library, I was thrilled to watch her captivation with all of the bookshelves. She was perfectly content, which is somewhat rare on outings. A girl after my own heart!
On this trip we only came away with books for mommy. I picked up The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison, for the My Year of Reading Dangerously challenge. I haven't read a Toni Morrison book since high school, so I'm really looking forward to reading this book. I also grabbed Living A Jewish Life by Anita Diamant, as we are reading selections from this book at the Mother's Circle that I belong to. Two books is a bit shabby, but at least I am finding time to read!
Although my reading time has been somewhat limited today, I was able to read a huge chunk of my latest book yesterday. Links, by Nuruddin Farah takes place in Mogadiscio (Mogadishu) a few years after the failed American/UN intervention . It is an engrossing, but sometimes unenjoyable read. Violence has plagued Somalia, and particularly in war-lord controlled Mogadiscio, since the fall of the Dictator Barre in 1991. Somalia has been in a condition of a failed state ever since. Reading a novel by a Somali author set in modern day Mogadiscio is interesting, although I can assume there is not going to be a happy ending to this book.
I thought it might be fun to give the Sunday Salon a try. I am glad you are doing so too!
How lucky you are to have a born booklover! I hope she continues to enjoy a love for books throughout her lifetime.
I hope you will like The Bluest Eye. It was my first Toni Morrison book (okay, so I've only read two so far). It is such a sad story, but very good, I think.
I will be curious to read your final thoughts on Links. It sounds like an interesting book, although tragic. It might be something I'd be drawn to read.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Nice to see you in The Salon! I love the way you're exposing Maya to books at such a young age. She's sure to become an avid reader someday! It's also great that you're making time for yourself, to continue your own reading. It can be so hectic with a newborn that it can be hard to make room for your own needs.
Welcome to the Salon! How wonderful Maya already loves books - but, naturally with you as her mom she would be apt to!
I'll be reading the Morrison novel too for the same challenge :)
Silly question, but what exactly is the Sunday Saloon?
Both of your choices sound interesting. I'll be interested in hearing what you think of them.
My daughter also loves books already. She plays with them more than just about any other toy she has, she loves to open them up and pretend to read. They also calm her down when she gets worked up like your daughter. I love it!
wendy - This will be my 2nd Toni Morrison book; I read Song of Solomon years ago but only thought it was okay.
laura - I've found it fairly easy to pick up books with her. I often read while she is feeding. I also "wear" Maya in a baby carrier, which makes it much easier to get things done around the house, even when she is awake, which gives me a bit of free time.
wendy - I'm hoping her early obsession with books lasts for beyond infanthood. :)
erin - great question! ANd one that I should have answered in my post. Participants in the Sunday Salon blog basically just read, and then blog about their reading each Sunday. The icon on my post takes you to the Salon blog, which has more info, and how to join in.
varietyofwords - how cute! How old is your daughter?
Thank you for that clarification. Silly me, I should have thought to click around on icons or something to investigate. I blame it on being a Monday.
I have got to participate in the Sunday Salon! I've just been so lazy :)
That's so cool that little Maya is already a bookworm. Just think how proud you'll be when she gets her first library card!
Iliana - I was thinking about the library card when I was at the library...but I'll wait till she is old enough to understand. :)
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